Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Applications accepted through August 1st

You still have time to apply to the Harrisburg Art CSA as one of our feature artists!
Please include up to 5 images, and artist bio and a little about where you live in the Central Pa. area. All application will require a  $10.00 late submission fee. Email your portfolio or questions to

Sunday, July 7, 2013

We still need submissions...

If your a Central PA artists and want to get your work out there check out what's happening right here in Harrisburg.  We need submissions!!  Show the greater Harrisburg area your talent!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Deadline Extended until Sunday August 1st

Great News! We decided to extend our CSA artist application deadline to make sure a few more of you make it in. You now have until SUNDAY JULY 7th to get your info in and apply for FREE! You can apply up to August 1st after that for a $10.00 entrance fee for up to 5 images.   If you already applied, thank you so much and you can take a deep breath with a sigh of relief for you hard work to get that application in to us on time. You are truly the best. 
  Guys, really, don't sweat this.  We are looking for artists (fine artist, sculpture, craft makers and more...) to simply show us what they do and apply. Seriously, we want you to be a part of this!  Send us 3-5 images of your work and a cover letter about what you do and what you might like to create for the CSA. Please also tell us where you are from in the Central PA area. Once you are accepted into the CSA for this season we will ask you to make several "art shares" (FYI one commissioned share = $50 value).  The short of it is we are going to "commission" you to make your work and provide you with compensation to do it. Isn't that just awesome?!
  You will have several months from the time you are accepted to prepare your work, but we need to have our artists lined up soon so we can get things set for the big pick up day!  Our goal is to get patrons to purchase "shares" from the CSA and on designated pick up dates our share holders will come pick up their "fresh from the garden art box" which will contain all the goodies our CSA artists have made! This gets your artwork into the hands of the people who want it, and gives you the incentive to create and recieve compensation to be an artist!
We are waiting to see what you do...  so hop to it and please send your application to:

>>>You now have until SUNDAY JULY 14th to apply for this seasons CSA FREE <<<